The Audit Committee of the Board has been constituted in compliance with Clause 52 of the SME Equity Listing Agreement.

Audit Committee was formed originally vide Resolution passed in the meeting of the Board of Directors dated May5, 2015.

The constituted Audit Committee comprises following members:


Mr. Mahesh Mor
Mr. P.C. Ramchandran
Mr. Ajayprakash Kanoria




Non-Executive-Independent Director
Non-Executive-Independent Director
Managing Director

The Company Secretary of the Company shall act as a Secretary to the Committee. The Chairman of the Committee shall attend the Annual General Meeting of the Company to furnish clarifications to the shareholders in any matter relating to accounts.

The terms of reference of Audit Committee complies with requirements of both clause 52 of the SME listing agreement and section 177 of the Companies Act 2013. The scope and function of the Committee and its terms of reference shall include the following:

Tenure:The Committee shall continue to be in function as a committee of the Board until otherwise resolved by the Board, to carry out the functions of the Audit Committee as approved by the Board.
Meetings of the Committee: The Committee shall meet at least 4 times in a year and not more than 4 months shall elapse between any two meetings of the Committee. The quorum for the meeting shall be either two members or one third of the members of the committee, whichever is higher but there shall be presence of minimum two Independent members at each meeting.
Meeting of the Committee shall be called by at least seven days’ notice in advance or shorter notice if all the members agree in writing or through electronic mode.
Role and Powers:The Role of Audit Committee together with its powers shall be as under: